kept asking questions|keep ask question in English

did not stop asking questions

Use "kept asking questions|keep ask question" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "kept asking questions|keep ask question" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "kept asking questions|keep ask question", or refer to the context using the word "kept asking questions|keep ask question" in the English Dictionary.

1. Related to Asking: Asking questions QUESTION, punishment, crim

2. We Ask that all users keep academic honesty in mind when Asking or answering questions

3. She kept asking questions which Adam answered Abbreviately

4. She kept asking questions which Adam answered Abbreviately

5. Trish will keep asking damn silly questions.

6. Asking: to put a question or questions to.

7. What Should Babysitters Ask Parents? (20 Important Questions) Babysitter asking a parent questions

8. She kept on asking questions which Adam answered Abbreviately, and sometimes didn't answer at all for the question was somewhat personal

9. Ask: to put a question or questions to.

10. You keep asking stupid questions I'm gettin'out at the next corner.

11. 26 Afraid to ask seemingly stupid questions, I kept my mouth shut.

12. A question-Asking tool kit is a list of the kinds of questions you might ask your students in any situation, categorized in a useful form.

13. Browse other questions tagged python android Beeware or ask your own question

14. cross-question — cross questions, Cross questioning, cross questioned VERB If you cross question someone, you ask them a lot of questions about something

15. Stop asking him questions.

16. Stop asking silly questions.

17. I'm simply asking questions.

18. You're gonna get Bopped in the nose if you keep asking inappropriate questions like that

19. Mapping Mars, Asking Questions

20. The best way to keep a Conversation going is to ask questions! There are two types of questions you …

21. He was asking probing questions.

22. You're gonna get a Bop in the nose if you keep asking inappropriate questions like that

23. Stop asking such idiotic questions.

24. Maintaining Conversations by Asking Questions

25. Please keep your questions brief and indicate to who the question is addressed to.